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Support Toyota.
Earn Points. Level Up.

As a Policy Driver, you have the opportunity to participate in Star Quest – an interactive game experience we created so that you can have fun while taking action to support Toyota’s mission. Every action you take furthers Toyota’s public policy mission and will earn you points to advance in the game.


How Does It Work?

Each level, or mission operation phase, requires more points to unlock so you can earn more skills and resources needed to save a neighboring planet from destruction. You can earn points by participating in calls to action and other activities supporting the mission of Toyota.



Actions That Earn Points
Write Your Legislator
Listen to a Podcast
Watch a Video
Play a Game

How to Play

Take action and earn points to level up and complete your Star Quest. As an astronaut, you'll acquire new resources as you achieve each level, ultimately reaching level 5 to save Politerra, a planet at risk of destruction.

Level 001 Engage 100 pts
Level 002 Discover 250 pts
Level 003 Unite 500 pts
Level 004 Act 750 pts
Level 000 Impact 1000 pts

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