Connected Vehicles and Technology Policy
Why should I care?
Technology enables Toyota to make smarter, safer, and cleaner vehicles.
Public policy has the power to disrupt our business – from how we use data to the types of services and products we can offer.
What should I know?
Lawmakers at the state and federal level are increasingly using public policy to protect consumers’ safety, privacy, and security, and to prevent harmful outcomes from the use of technology like artificial intelligence and algorithms.
We advocate for public policy that allows Toyota to research, develop, manufacture, and sell our products and services that rely on advanced technologies. We also work to combat efforts that would limit future products or business models.
Toyota works to educate lawmakers and other stakeholders about our commitment to using technology responsibly to provide mobility for all. We also combat misguided policies that would jeopardize consumers’ privacy and security or Toyota’s ability to fairly compete in the marketplace.